12 Things You Should ALWAYS Have in Your Bag

Photo by all_about_people from shutterstock.com

7. Chewing gum

Maybe you ate a delicious meal that was full of garlic, or maybe you don’t have anywhere to brush your teeth. Whether you have some mint drops in your bag or a pack of chewing gum, you can never know when you will meet someone and you sure don’t want to greet anyone with garlic or onion breath.

8. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a skincare staple, regardless of age or gender! If you want to keep your skin looking nice, glowy, dewy and young, you should apply sunscreen every time you go outside, whether it’s summer or winter.

Sometimes, the lotion can be completely absorbed into your skin, so if you want to get all the benefits of your sunscreen, keep a small container in your bag and re-apply eat every time you feel the need. Of course, don’t overdo it!

9. Hairbrush

Wind can make your hair go in a lot of directions, get all tangly, and it can also make it more prone to breaking and falling out! Make sure you keep a small compact hairbrush in your bag. This way can make be sure that your hair will always be on point!

10. Medications

This one depends a lot on your circumstances, but if you know that you are more likely to get headaches when you are stressed out, or your stomach is sensitive and you need something to help it, keep a few pills in your bag because you can never know when you might need them.

You don’t want to suffer in pain until you get home or you find a pharmacy nearby, so having some pain meds in case of an emergency is not a bad idea

11. Bandaids

New shoes and new blisters? You wanted to pet a cat, but she scratched you? You have a small cut on your finger, but it still hurts, and you don’t want it to get infected?

Whatever reason you might have, you can always be prepared for the worst by keeping a few bandages in your bag. They won’t add any extra weight, so your back or your shoulders won’t suffer!

12. Portable phone battery charger

There is nothing worse than when your phone tells you that it has run out of battery. Especially when you have a big call coming up, or when you are running errands, and you have a long day ahead of you.

If you don’t want to panic that your phone is almost dead and to make sure you can o everything you want, put a portable phone battery charger in your bag and you’ll be good to go!


Even though sometimes we don’t like to have a lot of items in our bags, we still need a few essentials, that will make our lives easier! Which one of these items can always be found in your bag?

And also, what are other stuff do we need on a daily basis, but are not included in this article? Share your tips and tricks with us, by leaving them in the comment section down below!


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