17 Things Frugal People Never Spend Their Money On

© Rahul Chakraborty/ unsplash.com

The latest technology

The tightwads are not the biggest fans of the newest of….anything. There are bigger chances of being struck by lighting than seeing someone with frugality coursing through their veins waiting in line to buy the latest iPhone or laptop. That’s because frugal people don’t rush in. Only fools, do, as the King of Rock’n’roll used to say, albeit, in a different context. But still.

Cautious spenders have enough patience to wait until the queue dies out and the prices die down. It’s not a bad approach, either. You can enjoy the same product, a little bit later than others, true, but at a much lower price.


A brand-new car

Buying a new car is simply inconceivable for the frugal folks. If they have a list of ultimate sins when it comes to spending, this is definitely at the top. That’s because the budget for a new car can blow away your entire budget for the rest of the items on this list and then some.

Frugal people avoid the call of shiny, new car models like the plague and go straight for the second-hand area of the dealer lot. It’s not necessarily a bad strategy. Frugal or not, just make sure you know these 7 Car Dealer Tricks Used at End-of-Year Sales.

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1 thought on “17 Things Frugal People Never Spend Their Money On”

  1. I did not drink public water when I lived in Vermont, Rochester, MN, and I don’t drink water here in Texas. There were radio and TV announcements to boil the water before consuming it. I was told by an MN worker to not drink the water and suggest that I install a house filter system, Here in TX the public water office says the water in Texas Meets FDA and public health guidelines. I was told by my dog’s Vet to Not give him pubic water. So I buy water that went through a reverse osmosis system, and I had the water tested. Too many states have not improved their water processing to meet the increased population and replace OLD parts before they fail. Many homes still have lead pipes or copper pipes secured with lead solder. I have an external and internal filters on my Refridgerator.


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