10 Unexpected Things That Decrease Your Property Value

Bad neighbors

If there’s anything decreasing your home value faster than you could say “open sesame”, it would have to be a bad neighbor. If you happen to live next door to people with an unsightly yard, loud dogs or an affinity for wild parties, it’s not only their property’s value going down, it’s also yours going down with it!

Much worse than living next to loud neighbors is living by a registered sex offender. One easy way to discover if there are any individuals with criminal records in your neighborhood is to search the National Sex Offender Public Website

Poor exterior paint quality

Never judge a book by its cover. Then what about a house? A house’s exterior is the first thing people see and evaluate. If your home ‘s exterior walls are covered in faded, cracked or peeled paint, don’t expect to make such a big impression.

Buyers generally prefer neutral colors like gray, white, cream, and beige. Therefore, choose your colors carefully and repaint the walls and other exterior parts of the house when they start to deteriorate and look bad. Moreover, avoid colors such as beige or green that might make your house seem dirty.

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1 thought on “10 Unexpected Things That Decrease Your Property Value”

  1. Hello,
    I certainly don’t agree with some of your “Unexpected Home Cost Decreasers” In fact some of the very things you advise against, appealed to me. So, it really boils down to the individual buyer who may want exactly what YOU don’t. For example, in each room, I’ve put down stunning Persian Carpet that is framed by a beautiful oak floor. Chacun à son gôut! That sun room on your list of “don’ts” (with the Persian carpet and oak wood floor) sold me for that house.


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