10 Unexpected Things That Decrease Your Property Value

The address suffix

It might sound weird, but your address suffix can make or break the value of your property. According to studies, boulevard, place, and road address “cost” the most and can boost a property’s value by up to 36 percent. Properties that cost less are associated to suffixes such as street, drive and avenue.

Too much of “YOU”

If you’ve ever toured a house, you know that one of the first things you do is make a list of all the things you’ll need to change to suit your style. From removing quirky wallpaper, painting over unconventional colors to replacing unusual fixtures, buying someone else’s house comes with a lot of redesign and remodeling projects.

Therefore, if you’re more on the eccentric side and like to have all sorts of uncommon design elements in your house, make sure they can be easily removed or covered when you decide to sell or simply stay away from altering your house in ways that could decrease its resale value.

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1 thought on “10 Unexpected Things That Decrease Your Property Value”

  1. Hello,
    I certainly don’t agree with some of your “Unexpected Home Cost Decreasers” In fact some of the very things you advise against, appealed to me. So, it really boils down to the individual buyer who may want exactly what YOU don’t. For example, in each room, I’ve put down stunning Persian Carpet that is framed by a beautiful oak floor. Chacun à son gôut! That sun room on your list of “don’ts” (with the Persian carpet and oak wood floor) sold me for that house.


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