Top 12 Differences Between Democrats and Republicans

Photo by Natee Meepian From Shutterstock


The main and most important difference between these two parties is seen in their completely opposite political orientations. The Democratic Party is left-leaning, liberal, and the no. 1 admirer of progressiveness and equality, while the Republican Party is right-leaning, incredibly traditional, and oftentimes associated with equity and economic freedom.

Because these two parties have such opposite beliefs, their actions and presence oftentimes clash on the most fundamental issues. We’re going to discuss some of the most important ones, so you can get a better overview of the facts:


Republicans strongly believe that both the rich and poor should pay the same amount of taxes. Even if larger tax cuts will eventually lead to a decrease in the total amount of revenue collected by the government of the United States, Republicans believe that these tax deductions will convince rich people and the vast majority of entrepreneurs to invest and create a wider job market, which would start a trickle-down effect from which the entire society could benefit.

Republicans are against raising the minimum wage, as these increases might affect the growth of small businesses. On the other side, Democrats believe that raising taxes only for the upper class and lowering them for the lower and middle class will automatically allow the government to boost spending for ongoing social programs for the lower class.

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