16 Signs People Think You’re Annoying and You Don’t Know It


They avoid eye contact

Another way to tell if someone perceives you as rude is to look them in the eyes. Non-verbal signs and language, such as eye contact, are the “single best indicator of whether or not someone likes you,” says Brooke Sprowl, LCSW, a clinical psychotherapist and founder of My LA Therapy.

If an individual is avoiding eye contact, either by looking down or around the room, that’s a clear indication that they don’t feel comfortable talking to you, they want to change the topic or stop interacting with you altogether.


They cross their arms when speaking to you

Another non-verbal indicator that you’re creating some sort of discomfort to others, is when another person moves their arms in a certain way when interacting with you. If the person in front of you keeps their arms crossed, it’s a message that they are trying to create a barrier between you and them.

If you see someone making this gesture towards you, they might be unintentionally trying to protect themselves against your rudeness. In contrast, if someone is comfortable in your presence, the use of their hands is an indication that they are engaged in the discussion, more relaxed and open.

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