9 Jobs That Will Be Stolen By Robots


Customer service and office assistants

Most of us have already had the “pleasure” of interacting with automated customer service representatives whether we’ve called the energy provider, the bank or the healthcare provider. These automated customer representatives are just a way to keep you waiting on the line until a human customer care representative becomes available but, in the future, they might be doing more than that.

At least that’s what tech companies are working towards. Google, for example, presented an AI bot named Duplex that can call on behalf of someone else, have human-like conversations with real people on the phone and make appointments. The AI simulated the human voice so well that people cannot be able to tell they are actually speaking to a robot.

The AI in customer care services means more and more real people might lose their jobs. According to the McKinsey report, between now and 2030, automation is expected to cause a 20 percent drop in demand for office workers.

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