20+ Money-Saving Perks You Only Get In Retirement

You can live in a retirement community

It’s true that living in a retirement community is not the cheapest thing out there but some communities, like The Villages in Florida or Leisure World in California, give you the opportunity to socialize with people your own age and with similar interests, sometimes for half of the real estate prices for non-retirees. “They’re often cheaper than the surrounding homes in the market that are open to everyone,” Geber said.

This is especially important in high-cost areas such as Southern California, where retirees on fixed incomes might need to relocate to a new state if they sell their homes and can’t afford to purchase a new house with the profits.


You can enjoy discounted or free entertainment

When you’re working 9 to 5 or more, it’s difficult to find the time to catch the latest blockbuster. Luckily, when you’re a retiree, you have plenty of time to see all the Oscar-nominated flicks at discounted matinee prices.

In addition, museum lovers have free admission during certain times of the week. But who needs to worry about time in retirement? If you are not able to go to the museum on a free day, you’ll still benefit from certain discounts the rest of the days.

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