20+ Money-Saving Perks You Only Get In Retirement

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You can start a business

Now that you are free from the responsibilities of a 9 to 5 job or raising your children, you have plenty of time to explore new hobbies and who knows, maybe turn them into fully-fledged businesses.

“We have time to pursue those things we’ve been ‘waiting all our lives for,’” said Kristen Edens, owner of a content and brand development company called Second Act Brand Development.

If sales are your passion, you can start an e-commerce business. If art is your thing, you can sell your work and if you like teaching others, you can volunteer at a local school. “That experience base can translate into a new way to make a living — a way of living that allows you more freedom,” Geber said.


You can save on groceries

There are many grocery chains that offer various senior discounts on certain days. This is not something to be disregarded, especially when you’re on a fixed income.

For instance, New Seasons Market, a Portland, Ore., grocery store has Senior Wednesdays for seniors to take 10 percent most items. If you want to enjoy all the perks and discounts in your hometown, call your local store and find out when you can buy your groceries for less. If you’re an AAA member or own a credit card with a certain company, you might also be eligible for other discounts.

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