20+ Money-Saving Perks You Only Get In Retirement


You can save at the drugstore

The nearly 18 million senior citizens in the United States spend around a billion dollars a year for drugs and medicines. With that amount in mind, pharmacy discounts, as small as they might be, are of great importance to seniors.

Pharmacy retailers know this and retailers offer significant discounts on medication, household items and other products. Rite Sid, for example, offers up to 20 percent off everything in the store for members of its wellness65+ program. On Seniors Day, the first Tuesday of the month, Walgreens offers up to 20 percent off items for people aged 55 and over.


You can save on clothes

In terms of clothes, certain retailers offer 10-20 percent senior discounts for retirees who want to refresh their wardrobe. For example, the Charlotte, N.C.-based store Belk, has a Senior Day on the first Tuesday of each month, and customers 62 and older enjoy a 20 percent discount. If you sign up for the Every Tuesday Club, Ross stores offer 10 percent off to customers aged 55 and older.

Another good thing when you’re a retiree is that you no longer have to spend hundreds of dollars on work clothes. “You don’t need the professional clothing you had to buy for the last 40 years,” said Geber. You can use all that money you used to dish out on professional apparel for other things.

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