19 Sneaky Ways Your Employer Could Be Stealing From You


Calling you to work when sick

Similar to vacation days, employers are not required by federal law to pay for sick days either. Employees are allowed to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave but the company cannot be forced to offer them paid sick leave. In several states, such as California and Connecticut, employers are bound by law to give paid sick days but in most cases, in the absence of a collective bargaining agreement, your employer is the one to decide whether or not to pay for your sick days.


Not reimbursing for your travel time

The law is not exactly on your side if you want to get reimbursed for your daily commute, but if your company is sending you somewhere during working hours, you have the right to receive some sort of compensation, according to the federal government. Unfortunately, even with federal laws backing you up, you might still need to take your employer to court to receive the money you are owed.

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