19 Sneaky Ways Your Employer Could Be Stealing From You


Spying on you

Legislation might vary from one state to another, but in many cases, companies have the right to monitor the activity of their employees during working hours, including internet use, social media account, keystrokes, email and pretty much anything that involves using a company device or equipment.

More than that, companies have the right to place GPS devices in their cars as well as audio or video record their employees whenever they deem it necessary. On that note, check out these 16 Seemingly Harmless Things You Need to Stop Doing on Your Work Computer.


Paying women less than men

We might be in the year 2021 but the gender gap has still not disappeared. In fact, according to statistics, there’s a 20 percent difference between what men and women make, with women making just 82% of what men receive for the same job or position.

Given the current situation, pay equity is expected to be achieved somewhere around year 2116. The pay gap varies by state, but race is also a major factor, with Latina women earning around 54 percent of what their male counterparts are paid with.

See also: 10 Ways In Which Women Still Aren’t Equal to Men

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