9 Password Tricks to Keep Hackers Away From Your Accounts

Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

2. Use an Entire Phrase

If you don’t want to remember seemingly random words, you can create a strong password out of a custom pharse. Words within a phrase go together better than random ones and are easier to remember. However, you shouldn’t rely on a famous quote or saying.

You can choose whether to add spaces between the words (if the website allows that). Here are some good examples of custom phrases:

  • “Mygrandchildisinthehighschoolfootbalteam”
  • “I would like to meet Stephen King”
  • “Strong passwords are hard to guess”

3. Use a Custom Acronym

You can use an acronym to make a memorable yet effective password. For instance, you can choose the phrase “My daughter was born at a Rochester hospital in 1997” and take the first letter of each word (Mdwb@aRhi1997) to create a strong and easy-to-remember password.

If you go by this trick, make sure you’re not using common expressions, such as “My name is…” Here are some good ideas to inspire you:

  • “2005wtyIbm1c.” (2005 was the year I bought my first car.)
  • “ThIlihe2,550sf” (The house I live in has exactly 2,550 square feet).
  • “H!Tpinth2r!” (Hey! This password is not that hard to remember).
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