10 Traditional American Dishes You Must Try

american dish
Photo by Marie Sonmez Photography From Shutterstock

3.Mac and cheese 

You are not a true American if you have never heard of mac and cheese. Kiddin’! This dish might be bland or at least pretty common, but it’s been cooked since 1800. And it appeared in The Virginia Housewife.

However you choose to eat it, as a side dish or as an appetizer with meat or vegetables added, mac and cheese is no doubt a favorite across the board, from toddlers to culinarians.

Do you like mac and cheese?

4.Buffalo Wings 

Buffalo wings mean a huge deal to us, that’s for sure. And we all know that this particular dish has its origins in Buffalo, New York. But the story of its origin is still disputed. Most sources credit Teresa Belissmo of the Anchor Bar in Buffalo with their invention, but what remains undisputed is their impact on the American culinary scene. I mean, who is not a fan of these spicy wings? Count me in for another portion!

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2 thoughts on “10 Traditional American Dishes You Must Try”

  1. Jerry F Eggleston

    Catchup and onions. Forget the French fries. Go for a salad or onion rings. Oen healthy, one not. Oh, well.


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