10 Traditional American Dishes You Must Try

american dish
Photo by Brent Hofacker From Shutterstock

9. Hot dogs 

Even if this dish actually originated in Germany, hot dogs are now an American food and each region has their own recipe. One of the most popular ones is the Chicago dog, with relish, sport peppers, and tomatoes. Yummy! But don’t forget about the Coney dog with chili, cheese, and onions, and also the Southern dog slathered in coleslaw.

The 4th of July is near, so don’t forget to bring the hot dogs to the table for the whole family!

10. Ranch dressing

Since ’92, ranch dressing has become one of the most popular dressings in the United States. And it’s always been associated with Midwest cuisine. It all started in 1949 when Steven Henson came up with the idea of the recipe, named it Hidden Valley Ranch, and started selling it to the local markets.

This is my first choice when it comes to dressings. What would be yours?

I hope you enjoyed reading about food as much as I did. Don’t forget to try these dishes (if you haven’t yet!) and tell us which one is your favorite.

I love hearing from you!

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2 thoughts on “10 Traditional American Dishes You Must Try”

  1. Jerry F Eggleston

    Catchup and onions. Forget the French fries. Go for a salad or onion rings. Oen healthy, one not. Oh, well.


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