30 Things Guests Should Avoid Doing at Weddings at All Costs


You post pictures on social media without consent

Sure, you’re really excited for the happy couple and want to share your happiness (and theirs) with the whole world. After all, you shouldn’t be the only one admiring the beautiful bride as she is walking down the aisle or the groom’s excitement. However, unless you know for sure that the newlyweds have no problem with Facebook and Instagram hashtags, you might want to keep those photos and videos to yourself until after the I dos.

According to Shawna Orwoll from Away We Go Weddings, a wedding ceremony, whether it’s religious or not, is a special and solemn moment and should be treated as such.


You buy a gift that’s not on the bridal registry

Speaking of gifts, wedding registries are meant to take the sting out of one of the most pressing questions a bride can receive: ‘What would you like as a wedding gift?’ Hence this centralized system. Therefore, before you go way overboard with your creativity and come up with something that is actually of no use to the couple whatsoever, or a duplicate present, consult the registry, suggests Lea Berman and Jeremy Bernard, authors of Treating People Well.

The good thing about registries is that you can be sure you offer the newlyweds something that they want or need and if the item is too expensive, other guests can join you in buying larger presents.


You interrupt the newlyweds

It might be the “duty” of the bride and groom to make sure their guests are having a good time but they also deserve their moments of peace and allowed to enjoy the party, their wedding menu that they selected and so on.

So, don’t be that guest who interrupts the newlyweds whenever they sit down to catch a break and ask them for selfies or to come to your table, says Hovik Harutyunyan, owner of Harutyunyan Events. You don’t have to bother them while they are trying to eat or relax for a minute just because you remembered something. They will be there all night. Be a nice guest and give them the space that they need!

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