30 Things Guests Should Avoid Doing at Weddings at All Costs


You don’t respect the religious rituals

Even if you’re not a religious person or have different beliefs, a wedding is not the right time to make your preferences, or lack thereof, known. The couple’s religious ritual might go against your faith, but you don’t have to make a big deal out of it. Making everyone feel awkward by telling them their religious rituals are stupid is never a good approach!

You can simply remain silent or gracefully bow out of participating in the ritual without offending anyone, suggests Swann.


You sit in the front row

The front row at a wedding ceremony is not just for everyone. It’s usually reserved to close family members and friends. So, if you’re not among them, don’t plop a front-row seat even if haven’t been invited to do so, warns Jennifer Porter, party planner and owner of Satsuma Designs.

It really doesn’t matter if it’s just a casual ceremony. Stick to the unspoken rules and traditions and allow the family and bridal party to occupy their designated seats.


You bring a big present at the ceremony

No matter how generous you might consider yourself, bringing a large gift at the ceremony will only be seen as a hindrance. Imagine the bride carrying a heavy box of kitchenware back home! Sure, the newlyweds have a car to drive back home with their presents, but it’s most likely full of all sorts of gifts. Your big present will only make their mission more difficult, says Alice Fay, senior catering manager and wedding expert at Fairmont Copley Plaza.

That being said, there’s nothing wrong with buying larger gifts, as long as you send them to the couple’s home instead of bringing them to the ceremony. But more importantly…whatever you do…don’t come empty-handed! That’s even worse than showing up with a larger than life gift.

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