7 Costco Mistakes That Will Cost You Big Bucks

Photo by Jiujiuer From Shutterstock

3. You don’t pay attention to the price tags

To put it simply, if you’re happy that one of your favorite products is on sale, you’ll be happy to purchase it. But how often do you pay attention to the price tags? Checking them is still a must, even if the products are on sale. Speaking of which, you should definitely know that Costco price tags can draw your attention to certain details regarding the product.

For example, if you see a marked star in the right corner of the price tag, usually indicates that this is the last item they have in stock. Other helpful tips include that if you see a price tag ending in 00 it means that the product has a lower price compared to the previous week. There are also the ones that end with a 97 that are about to expire soon, and they’ll get a fresh batch right after the current stock is over. I hope you find these small hacks useful for your next visit to Costco.

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