7 Ways to Tell if Someone Is Lying to You

Photo by Antonio Guillem From Shutterstock

5. They never say enough 

If a person is telling the truth, they don’t have a problem with giving enough information about a certain topic.

But when somebody is hiding something, they tend to make up the whole story in their heads and, if they are interrupted, they tend to forget what they initially said. “Do you have anything else to say?” is a common trick question because people don’t know how to answer it.

Psychologists say that they ask their patients to tell the story backwards. And if they act like this is a problem, then they might be liars.

And if this is a lie, they will continue to tangle the story even more because they can’t remember the details.

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1 thought on “7 Ways to Tell if Someone Is Lying to You”

  1. I told my wife recently that now that I am 78 I am mostly going to lie. Its more fun and who really gives a darn. I figure that if she’s stayed with all these years (57) I’m okay to just let everything go. I think she can’t decide if I’m lying or not so join in on the fun and just ask me questions she knows the answer to. She knows me well enough to all ready know what I am going to say anyway. It is too boring to give pat answers. More exciting to lie. I have a million stories to share. Thank God she has always laughed when I needed her too. One thing I do know when she says something I know she is telling the truth…..Now I think she’s testing me. I trust her truth much better than my own. Safer for me. God Bless


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