17 White Lies It’s Acceptable to Tell to Avoid Uncomfortable Situations

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When you check up on exes on social media

Most of us did it, there’s no point in denying it. In fact, according to a 2017 study from SuperDrug, around 61 percent of married Americans admitted to checking out their exes online at least once a month. It’s not the fact that they want to reconnect with them, it’s more of a habit they’ve developed in time and can’t seem to shake off.

However, you know what they say: curiosity killed the cat. Therefore, unless you can come up with a very good reason for your occasion stalking, there’s no point in telling your current partner about it and risk killing your relationship instead.


The intimate details of your past relationships

Speaking of exes, the fact that you’ve been married before is not something you can keep to yourself and not tell your current partner. It’s a significant piece of information that might make or break your relationship. However, there are other intimate details that need to remain between you and your former partner.

In addition, comparing your past partners to your current one is unhealthy for you and unfair and hurtful for your partner. He might feel he is lacking in areas where your ex excelled and suffer self-esteem issues. Did I mention it’s rude?

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When someone isn’t as talented as they think they are

When your friend is thinking of building their career on a talent they don’t really have, it might be your job, as a friend, to show them the pros and cons. Ultimately, it’s their decision but at least you did your part.

However, if your friend couldn’t quite nail it when it came to making the pie recipe they’re constantly bragging about, there’s no point in twisting the knife any further. As long as they don’t poison anyone, there’s no point in telling them their cooking skills could use some improvement. “If the truth is only going to be hurtful, we should ask ourselves why we feel the need to share it,” says Robyn, who points out that criticizing someone could cause them to give up doing something that they truly like entirely.

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