17 Things People Do Without Realizing They’re Being Rude

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1. Talking with the phone on speaker

While you might be very caught up in your conversation you need to acknowledge that this kind of behavior will disturb the people around you. According to licensed etiquette consultant Rachel Wagner, founder of Rachel Wagner Etiquette and Protocol, no one’s interested in hearing your private conversations.

Besides being very rude towards everyone around you, it’s also disrespectful towards the person you’re talking to, whether it’s a personal or a business call, she added.


2. Ordering something while talking on the phone

This is certainly an etiquette faux pas that everyone has done at least once in their life, unintentionally, of course. Most people don’t realize they’re being rude. However, not giving your full attention to the person you’re talking to, in this case, the person taking your order, is impolite towards them and to the people standing behind you in line as well.

Etiquette expert Lisa Grotts, AKA the Golden Rules Gal suggests focusing on paying your bill and respecting the person who’s taking your order, rather than making social plans.


3. Texting while walking

Most people have no idea that texting while walking is actually a rude behavior that annoys some people. While you might be very tempted to answer that text message as soon as you get it, or maybe you’re in a fascinating conversation, if you’re responding in the middle of a crowded sidewalk, you’re being disrespectful and rude to the people around you.

According to etiquette expert Diane Lee, founder of Street Smart Etiquette, it is indeed safer to stop and write a text message, rather than walking and writing, but it’s rude to just stop in the middle of the sidewalk and block the way for those who walk behind you.

She suggests stepping out of the way and finding a place less crowded so you’re not blocking the way if the message needs an urgent answer.


4. Talking on the phone in public bathrooms

Besides being very gross and rude towards the person you’re talking to, it is also very disrespectful towards the people who are waiting in line to use the bathroom you’re occupying for way longer than you should.

According to Lee, everything that isn’t related to nature’s call should wait until after using the bathroom.

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