7 Items You’ll Regret Locking Away in a Safe Deposit Box

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Letters of Instruction

Besides having a will, a letter of instruction to go along with it is a smart move in terms of estate planning. This letter can outline your final wishes and things that are important to you such as being buried or cremated, the type of memorial service you want to have, if any, etc. You can also include as many details as you deem relevant.

Moreover, in a letter of instruction, you are free to include specific bequests such as who gets your “Star Wars” DVD collection, your car, jewelry and so on.

Imagine what would happen if your nephew John couldn’t enjoy your beloved Star Wars collection because your letter of instruction is safely stored away in a safe deposit box that no one has access to. Therefore, to make sure all your final wishes are granted according to your instructions, keep the letter of instruction together with your original will. It is also advisable to send dated copies of the letter to people designated to receive a specific bequest.

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