6 U.S. Cities Most Likely to Get Hit by Nuclear Bombs

Photo by Bumble Dee from shutterstock.com

The fact that Ukraine was helped by other countries, made Vladimir Putin even angrier and more determined to attack whoever stands in his way. This is why he made threats with his nuclear bombs on February 27th, 2022.

Since then, all the countries are on alert. If Putin sends a nuclear bomb in a region that is part of NATO, we will have to face World War III. This is a disaster no one is prepared for. According to an expert, if the United States of America would be a target, it is believed that one of these six cities would be the one to suffer: Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, New York City, Washington DC, and/or Houston.

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5 thoughts on “6 U.S. Cities Most Likely to Get Hit by Nuclear Bombs”

  1. 21

    I believe that Ukraine will fall very soon. Russia is going to begin the big attacks and finish Ukraine once and for all.
    Ukraine really didn’t have a chance in the first place against Russia.

  2. Dr joseph haynes

    Let there be peace on earth……..allow people ro resolve their own situations ,give advice only when requested…place value on human lives..love and not hate,peace and not war ,build and not destroy…

  3. Manuel B Rivera-Torres

    Just remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, August 6-9, 1945. The so called “cradle of Democracy,” killed about 250 thousand Japanese in less than 15 minutes. The bombs were ordered by democrat president. Harry S. Truman. But they talk about “peace”.

  4. 40

    The US never should have given Ukraine a dime, but then they paid off the Biden family, so were just getting their payback, and this could put us into WW3. Biden and his cartel are guilty of treason and how much are the US oligarchs and Ukraine oligarchs getting from US cash and weapons? Ukraine should be forced to sit down and negotiate this and let Russia have back their terrirtoy.


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