7 Toxic Dollar Store Items You Should Avoid

Photo by Krisana Antharith From Shutterstock

4. Bug spray

Having an entire pantry full of cockroaches is nobody’s dream, and if you’re trying to eliminate them by using random pesticides from dollar stores, you might increase the risk to your health and start developing cancer.

So next time, instead of buying a bargain repellent spray, try some home remedies that are free of chemicals. Thyme, peppermint, and eucalyptus oils are some of the best natural repellents that are pretty affordable. Furthermore, they can be safely used in a house that has pets and children.

5. Table cloths

Lead is sometimes used to weight down the corners of tablecloths, which is a serious no-no because it affects a fetus’ and child’s growth. Additionally, everything made of vinyl may contain cancer-causing vinyl chloride. Instead of buying pvc or vinyl tablecloths, opt for the traditional ones made of real fabric with a high percentage of cotton.

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