5 Weird Things You Didn’t Know Were Invented in The US

Photo by Lobachad from Shutterstock

1. The slinky

Richard James, a mechanical engineer, invented the kids’ favorite toy in 1943. He came up with this idea and presented it to the kids from his neighborhood, and they were fascinated by it. I mean, who wouldn’t? Besides being something completely new that can “jump” and move, the slinky had a huge success in 1945 when it was presented at a toy exposition and everybody was interested in buying it. Because of the high demand, soon after, Richard and his wife started a business based on the toy. The name “Slinky” was given by his wife, who thought it would fit the thing.

The amazingly mesmerizing toy had a huge success, and more than a hundred million of them were sold in all of America! Did you have one when you were a child? Tell us in the comments.

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