7 Costco Bakery Secrets You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

Photo by topperspix from Shutterstock

5. You Can Actually Return a Partially Eaten Cake

If you weren’t in the know, Costco has a very permissive return policy. As a result, people have returned some pretty crazy stuff at Costco. One of our readers told us that Costco employees are actually instructed to accept almost anything a person tries to return.

Two of the craziest items we’ve heard were returned to the wholesale store were a half-empty bottle of wine (someone wanted to have a fun night but they changed their mind halfway through) and a partially eaten cake.

So, yes, if you have any type of problem with the baked goods you buy at Costco, you’re free to return them, no questions asked.

Maybe your family didn’t like the flavor of the cake you brought home, or maybe the baked goods you purchased were stale before their sell-by date. Anyway, make sure you read Costco’s return policy if you’re in situations like these.

However, don’t be that person who tries to benefit from the permissive policy by doing ridiculous things such as asking for a refund for a cake when there are only two slices left. It’s pretty obvious that people ate almost all of it because they loved it.

In fact, Costco employees may be instructed to take back almost any return that’s brought in, but they are also instructed to watch out for repeat offenders who are trying to trick the system.

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