7 Reasons Why Everything Was Better in the 70s

Photo by Usa-Pyon From Shutterstock

5. Nothing was more joyously scary than Jaws

I remember when this movie was released in the theatres and people were eager to get the limited edition tickets to watch it! Despite the fact that in this movie there were no amazing special effects, Steven Spielberg’s Jaws from 1975 was terrific! In fact, it didn’t need any special effects because it had the psychological effect that made my entire generation of kids terrified of swimming ever again.

As silly kids, we were on the verge of getting swallowed alive when we were confident that we would see a shark wing gliding towards us.

Despite this, and because I always wanted to watch scary movies just because my mom wouldn’t allow me to, I watched Jaws at least 10 times. Sneaking into theaters with my friends was a totally amazing experience!

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3 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why Everything Was Better in the 70s”

  1. I had this (and more) in the 50’s and my kids had this in the 70’s – BUT by the time my grand kids came around in the 90’s it was a whole different world. I wouldn’t let them play outside in the FRONT YARD unless I could see them and they certainly couldn’t go by themselves around the CORNER to the park alone! Good God, I had no idea who could be there that could have an unhealthy interest in a blond hair blue eyed little girl! It’s all changed and my GREAT grand kids now wouldn’t even THINK about knocking on a friend’s door to go play unless a “play date” was set up. What childhood has lost is sad. And the lack shows up as they grow to nervous unself-assured adults who often have trouble making ANY decisions without help, much less good decisions, because they never had the chance to do things and possibly fail and learn from them.


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