13 Cleaning Tips You’ve Never Heard of


Use a sock to clean your blinds

If you’ve been using a feather duster to clean the blinds but can’t seem to ever get rid of all the dust, switch your cleaning instrument and opt for an old sock. Yes, you’ve heard it correctly! You’d be surprised to see how efficient a sock can be in eliminating all the dust on your blinds.

Just put the sock on your hand and wipe each blind slat, recommends Lary Dell’Elce, operations manager at cleaning company TidyChoice. The feather duster can spread dust particles into the air whereas these stick like glue to a sock. Try it!


Use rubber gloves to pick up pet hair

Anyone with a pet knows how annoying it can be to find pet hair everywhere, from your clothes to your furniture and anything in between. If you want your upholstery to look its best instead of being covered in pet hair, use rubber gloves to get rid of it. According to Dell’Elce, if you rub a rubber glove to the area you want to clean, you’ll create friction and be able to collect the pet hair easier.

Who needs lint rollers when you’ve got rubber gloves?

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