Steer Clear of This Place Even If You’re Vaccinated, CDC Warns

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Least safe places, according to the CDC

Indoor movie theater

One of the riskiest places to step foot in is an indoor movie theater. That’s because these do not have great ventilation, which increases the risk of COVID transmission, even if movie theater chains have implemented certain safety rules.

To stay on the safe side, if you miss watching a movie on the big screen, you must wear a face mask and follow social distancing guidelines. For their part, movie theaters should make sure proper ventilation is provided as well as hand sanitizer for visitors and workers.

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7 thoughts on “Steer Clear of This Place Even If You’re Vaccinated, CDC Warns”

  1. 26

    “…according to Fauci.” He’s been proven a liar so why should we believe him now? What really should the public believe? There are a lot of lies just to be in control & power. Idiots!

    1. Sorry, but you are repeating misinformation. Where did you get that info? If you never watch ‘mainstream media’ you are missing out on FACT BASED info. The FCC prohibits broadcasting false information. If you are a Fox News watcher – I have news for you. They are NOT a real news channel – they say what ever they want, and even make up stuff. Lots of conspiracy theories are born on Fox. They even have said a couple of times in defense of their out right lies that “Why would any one with half a brain believe this stuff?” Try watching some ‘fake news’ mainstream media for an hour or so, and you may see who the true fake news is.

      1. Anthony Batulis

        Mainstream media is an arm of the Democrat party. Where was their fact based info concerning Russian collusion? Main Stream media provides nothing but lies and the FCC could care less. The main stream media just goes out and attacks everybody that the Democrat party deems to be an enemy.

  2. 5

    The only PROVEN LIAR resides in Mar-A Lago….Selling overpriced doses of Hydroxychloroquine to fools with bright red hats on!


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