1. Black Forest Cake
This German treat is a test of how many different ways you can add cherry flavor to a single cake. It is made out of layers of chocolate cake that have been fully saturated in kirsch, a transparent cherry liquor, and topped with maraschino cherries. Some versions even feature sour cherries sandwiched in between the layers. Despite being created in 1915, it only really became popular in the United States in the 1970s. Even just looking at this picture makes my mouth water!
Was this cake popular among your Sunday gatherings? Tell us in the comments.
2. Danish Rings
Do you remember these delicious treats that were extremely sweet? They were similar to Pop-Tarts, but only the shape differed. In 1976, Danish Rings hit the market, and they were actually a replacement for the Danish Go Rounds which broke too easily. These delicious new and improved Danish rings were made Kellogg’s. Unfortunately they were discontinued in 1980.