If you want to use your credit card for general payments in order to see how much you’ve been spending, make it a habit to check your balance on a daily basis. In most cases, using a credit card might make expenses seem out of reach, so get a receipt for all of your regular transactions to make them seem more substantial, especially during periods when you are planning to spend more money than usual. And always be wise and use common sense when handling your own finances!
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8 thoughts on “7 Bills You Should Never Pay by Credit Card”
Occasionally online with Amazon, but I keep a close watch on the account.
Better yet, find a way to get on Medicaid. After 40 years of paying for private health insurance to a variety of companies I scammed my way onto Medicaid. Best insurance I ever had. Competent providers and no copays or any out-of-pocket. Thank you taxpayers!
Scamming Medicaid is a serious crime of fraud. I hope you get caught and pay dearly and/or spend some time in prison. Encouraging others to find a way to get on Medicaid is morally reprehensible. Mark my words, sooner or later you WILL get caught. I wouldn’t want to be you when you do.
Dear Jay,
I hope you don’t end up in a nursing home, because Medicaid will take all your money and your home! That’s why I will never get it!
I’m surprised you admitted online that you are an
unscrupulous liar, along with being a law breaker! I hope it doesn’t catch up to you, but remember you reap what you sow!
Where is the rest of the article. You should do a better job of continuing the article clearlly. I can’t find the info you say you are going to present. Just ads! I feel Nike cancelling my membership whenever I try to follow your articles
Pay all your credit card bills each month. If you do you get a free 30 day loan. If not you pay massive interest. Never keep a balance. If you need money get a loan from a credit union. Don’t do cash advances.
Don’t gamble. If you want to gamble buy some blue chip stocks.
Horrific.Too many ads disrupting content.Get rid of them or place them at the end of the article..Capitalism at its worse.