15 Products You Should ALWAYS Buy Generic


Frozen fruits

Forget about nationally advertised brand-name products and go for generic frozen fruits. There’s little to no difference in taste between the two, especially if you use them for smoothies, cooking or baking.  The difference however resides in their price, which is lower in the case of generic frozen fruits.

Stores like Walmart or Trader Joe’s usually have great options. “Shopping at Trader Joe’s is great for staying within your budget while still receiving a great quality product,” according to Maria A. Bella, MS, RD, CDN. “Most of its store-brand items are actually from brand-name food companies that sell their product to Trader Joe’s under its own brand name and Trader Joe’s saves money by not advertising.”


Frozen vegetables

Similar to frozen fruits, frozen vegetables “have their nutrients locked in since they’re picked and then immediately frozen,” say The Nutrition Twins Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames, authors of The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure. Since the freezing process is practically the same, it pays off to buy the cheaper but equally nutritious generic version.

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