14 Expert-Approved Tips to Get the Best Price for Your Property


Boost your home’s curb appeal

The saying “never judge a book by its cover” certainly does not apply when it comes to houses. The exterior is something most homebuyers judge a house by; if they don’t like what they see on the outside, most of them won’t even bother to see the inside. It’s like when you go to a restaurant, if the cutlery is dirty then you can expect the rest of the place to be the same. The takeaway? Looks do matter when you are trying to sell your house for a bigger profit.

This means you have some investing to do and improve some exterior elements such as the front door, driveway or front walk. To give your house a clean look you can repaint or replace the front door, trim the hedges and trees etc., suggests Than Merrill, CEO of FortuneBuilders. Something else that can improve your house’s overall appeal is to install new vinyl siding, which, according to Cannon Christian, president of Renovation Realty, “it’s easy to install, cheaper than other alternatives like aluminum and wood and requires little maintenance,” and offers around 80 percent or higher return on investment.


Make some landscaping improvements

Trimming hedges and shrubs might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking of important home features, but a well-groomed landscape can increase your property’s value anywhere between 5.5% and 12.7%, according to a review of research by a Virginia Tech horticulturist.

You don’t have to become Edward Scissorhands and turn the shrubs into real works of art, but you can still add some personality and style to your home if you cut the lawn, maintain a clean patio and decorate your garden properly. These small changes can make a huge difference when selling your house.

On the other hand, these 10 Unexpected Things Can Decrease Your Property Value in the blink of an eye!

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