Top 7 Cursed Objects You Should Never Touch

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4. ‘The Crying Boy’ painting 

This splendid painting, created by the Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin, appears to be on the list of cursed objects one may never want to touch. How can a painting cause so much disaster? Well, apparently a lot of houses in which it was hung on the wall caught fire, and the only intact item from those houses was obviously this painting. Despite thousands of hours of research, nobody could ever figure this mystery out. What could it be?

5. Piece Of Uluru Rock 

Uluru Rock is a large sandstone located in the southern part of Australia, and it’s known as a sacred place. If you’ve ever watched a scary movie, you obviously know what can happen if you’re trying to steal something from a place like this. Of course, nothing good. A lot of people who were tourists in that area, despite the fact that they were strongly advised not to steal anything, managed to somehow bring some chunks as souvenirs. Such a terrible idea! A lot of them experienced the death of someone from their family, but also harsh break-ups and severe diseases. One more reason not to be a stubborn person!

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