8 Costco Items Way Too Expensive for Retirees

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4. Avocados

Always a risky purchase, avocados are more so if you live in a region where they aren’t organically grown. They are always too expensive and either too firm or too soft. If you want to get a bargain for this item, don’t choose Costco! Instead, stop by Trader Joe’s, where they are cheaper when purchased in bulk.

5. Veggies and fruits

If you know that you won’t eat a whole pack of veggies or fresh fruits in a couple of days (otherwise they will go bad), don’t stop at Costco. Besides the fact that the prices are skyrocketing, they also come in bulk. Your local grocery store is going to be more effective and affordable compared to Costco. Plus, if you don’t have a big family or you don’t plan on making a cake with fruits, don’t hurry to buy them in bulk just because they might seem cheaper. 3 pounds of fruit sounds like a lot to me!

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4 thoughts on “8 Costco Items Way Too Expensive for Retirees”

  1. 23

    I’m a Costco member for the last 35 years and your information about prices are totally wrong for example toothpaste that you mention sensodine cost $24 dollars a pack of 4…..the milk it’s about 6 dollars and chicken breast it $24 dollars per 10 lbs so it’s $2.40 per pound….. You need to talked to whomevergive you the wrong prices…..

  2. It was nice to know this info. My Granddaughter shops for the both of us. We divide certain foods in half. I live alone so I don’t need much. What she divides for me lasted more than a month!! I like shopping in the home goods area, it has items that you won’t find in other stores.

  3. 8

    With regard to you stated milk prices at Costco, I check prices sometimes and find that milk is almost always cheaper at Costco than Publix and Walmart in southern Florida. Also, I have always been able to purchase single gallons for years.


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