10 Crazy Facts You Won’t Believe Are Real

crazy facts
Photo by Mironov Vladimir From Shutterstock

5. Clams have feet

EEW! While it might look like clams have just a big tongue that sometimes sticks out of the shell to feel the ocean floor, what we see is a foot. Yep, you read it well! The attachment is actually pretty long compared to the overall size of this tiny creature. And it’s used to dig in the sand.

6. 1816 was known as “the year without a summer”

I told you to stick around to see what number 6 is hiding.  In April 1815, Indonesia experienced the biggest volcanic eruption in human history. This event lasted two weeks and blew a lot of dust, sulfur dioxide, and ash into the atmosphere.

That blank of ash concealed the planet from the sun, which basically led to the year without a summer.

Awfully enough, parts of New England saw heavy snow during the month of June and a deadly frost in July and August.

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1 thought on “10 Crazy Facts You Won’t Believe Are Real”

  1. I knew none of them. Do people actually believe that they can make a phone call to the dead? I guess it is not much different than believing in seances (communicating with the departed via medium).


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