17 Ways We Sabotage Our Own Happiness


Working too much

Work helps us grow, learn new things and achieve our financial goals. But this does not mean we should devote our entire time to our jobs and forget how to be happy and have a life outside the office.

Overworking might bring you more money, but it will also sabotage your happiness in other ways. It can make you feel irritated all the time, worn out and could cause anxiety and depression, warns Bryan Bruno, MD, medical director at MidCity TMS, a New York City-based medical center focused on treating depression. To make sure you don’t work too much and exhaust yourself, prioritize your tasks and accept that some can be dealt with another day.


Putting your career on hold

Sometimes, things take such a sudden turn that people are totally unprepared for that. They dream their entire life to hit it big and when something unexpected happens, like getting a promotion, they get scared and run the other way.

“They might feel uncomfortable with success or with the expectations that come with success,” says Gray. This internal struggle can sometimes turn you into a less ambitious and driven person than the one you used to be, all because you are not willing to take the risk. You convince yourself that you don’t need to take your career anywhere further and that you’re happy where you are.

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