9 Signs You’re in the Wrong Place to Retire


6. Senior housing options are limited

Based on a report by Family Caregiver Alliance, “among the population aged 65+, 69% will develop disabilities before they die, and 35% will eventually enter a nursing home”. This means it’s important to live in an area where there are plenty of housing options to choose from, depending on the senior’s health status, mobility and need for homecare.

From at-home care and senior apartments to assisted living facilities and nursing homes, assure yourself that the retirement community you want to live in can provide an affordable housing option that you’re comfortable with.


7. Public transportation is subpar

Public transportation is incredibly important to older people’s quality of life, their sense of freedom and independence. It plays a crucial role in helping seniors maintain their active lifestyles, avail themselves of goods, services and even employment if they choose to work past retirement.

Younger retirees might not mind a poorer public transportation as they can simply use their cars to get around in the community, but for seniors, a place with buses, trains, cabs and ride-sharing companies to choose from, is of utmost importance.

The lesson here: Before moving to your new retirement town, make sure its public transportation is not lousy and you have the liberty and means to move around as you please.

Related: 10 Surprising Ways Retirees Waste Their Money

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