7 Most Shocking and Weird Things Our Presidents Ever Did

George W. Bush
Photo by Joseph August from shutterstock.com

5. Took his teacher as wife

When he was only a student going to school, the man who was about to become the 13th president of our country in the future, Millard Fillmore, had a crush on his teacher, Abigail Powers.

Before you ask, there wasn’t a huge age difference between them; they were only 2 years apart. As the Miller Center for Public Affairs said, this woman challenged Fillmore to study more and to document difficult subjects. She also loaned him the books he needed and cheered him on when he needed it.

When Nathaniel Fillmore, Millard’s father, saw that his son was interested in studying and becoming a lawyer, he went along and set up a clerkship with a local judge that would give his son the chance to study what he wanted.

Millard did his best with all the difficult books he had to read, and he started courting the woman he liked. Abigal saw the man’s potential and motivation, as well as his aspirations and work ethic, so she fell in love with him as well, and she said yes when he proposed to her in 1819.

6. He was a cheerleader

The 43rd president of America, George W. Bush, wasn’t exactly a genius regarding his academic work, but he knew how to deal with people since he was only a teenager. Sources say that being a great socializer made him the head cheerleader in high school at Phillips Academy.

Moreover, it’s believed that Mr. Bush set up a lot of funny pep talks and skits during the weekly assemblies he participated in at school, but the officials were scared that all the things George did were going to draw a lot of attention to the cheerleaders rather than to the football team. The dean of the students decided that it might be better for the cheerleaders to tone their actions down and maybe let the skits go.

7. Had a cherry overdose

Do you think that there’s too much of a good thing? Well, yes, especially when it comes to cherries. Or this is what happened to Zachary Taylor, the man who was the 12th president of the United States.

After only 16 months as the head of the country, Zachary Taylor ate too many cherries and passed away a couple of days later. During the celebration of the 4th of July in 1850, the leader of the nation consumed way too many cherries and topped it off with iced milk.

According to different sources, this is quite a bad combination because it can cause gastroenteritis, and he might’ve felt severe dehydration, nausea, and cramps; he lost his life a couple of days later, on July 9th.

These are not the only weird things the former leaders of America ever did. If you want to know the other shocking things these men did, leave a comment down below and tell us that you want to read part 2 of this.

Until next time, here’s another article that you’ll enjoy reading: Banks Aren’t Safe Anymore! Here Are 5 Places to Keep Your Money!

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