5 Haunting Photos of ‘Ghosts’ That Will Give You Insomnia

haunting photos
Photo by FOTOKITA from Shutterstock

Are you ready for a dose of spookiness? The majority of scary ghost stories are simply passed down from our ancestors to our grandparents, parents, and eventually to us. But can you believe me when I say that some of them might be true? However, I would like to politely warn you that our photographs and anecdotes are not exactly for the faint of heart before we continue. If you’re brave, grab some popcorn and make yourself comfortable, because today you’re going to find out some least-known stories about past centuries.

In 3,2,1 be ready to click on the next page to see the rest of the story!

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3 thoughts on “5 Haunting Photos of ‘Ghosts’ That Will Give You Insomnia”

  1. At age 9, I was in a coma for weeks due to some drama, and began hearing voices comforting me. When I woke up I began seeing ghosts standing by my bed at night. I think because it was no one I knew that had died, they th used me to come thru because I had been between life and death. That’s why, I reasoned, they never tried to touch or speak to me, and they just looked confused, like they didn’t know where they were and had probably just died. I’ve seen women, children, men (and even some evil looking ones that scared the heck out of me). I’m in my 70’s now and have long accepted that they use me as a bridge, and mean me no hard!

  2. I believe in ghosts. Nothing spooky about them. They’re still between and need the transition necessary to their forever sleep Some who die have not completed their life cycle for whatever purpose and so their rest is not final until someone knows how to help them to their final sleep.


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