28 Insanely Easy Ways To Save Hundreds While Grocery Shopping

Make a list

Shopping rule number one: don’t step foot inside a grocery store without a list.

“Without a list, it’s easy to buy things just because they’re on sale or because it looks yummy,” said money expert Rachel Cruze. “Your list will help you stay on track and avoid buying groceries you don’t need and might not even eat.”

Having a shopping list will not only help you stay away from certain items that you don’t really need or like for that matter, aka impulse purchase, but it will also prevent you from knocking off more than a few bucks.


Take inventory

Before rushing to the nearest grocery store to start your shopping spree, don’t forget to take an inventory of the things you already have in your pantry. This will give you an idea of the things you need for meal planning.

When taking an inventory, there are some essential aspects you need to pay attention to such as how many products you still have in your kitchen and their expiration dates. One way to make sure you consume your food before it expires, is to move expiring products to the front of the pantry or refrigerator.

Taking notes, even if mental ones, of the items you still have, will prevent you from buying duplicates and spending money.

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