8 Worst Things You Can Get at Costco

Photo by OlegDoroshin From Shutterstock

7. Soda

Soda deals are a thing at Costco, but that doesn’t mean you need to buy some Coca-Cola in bulk. I mean, if you will have some friends over for the evening, sure, it’s a good idea, but you might want to check if you can find it at another place even cheaper.

Plus, why would you want to buy sugar in bulk?

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8 thoughts on “8 Worst Things You Can Get at Costco”

  1. 15

    I feel like these aren’t necessarily items you “shouldn’t” buy, rather than the author’s preferences. Yes, snacks and soda are bad for you, but its your choice if you consume them. Yes, Costco is a warehouse store so things come in bulk packaging. As someone who lives in a household of 2, I often say “thats a good deal, but we don’t need that much, we will never use it.” As for furniture, books, and whatnot, if you see a book and you want to read it… buy the dang book. If you need a new piece of furniture and they have one there for a good price, get it. Costco does have a great return policy.

  2. 10

    not sure who the editor is of this article but why not save the time of readers and just say you don’t like Costco ! every item you cried about is the same at any other store except you covered most of what is
    Costco. if you don’t like buying in bulk don’t but to say its the worst this to buy . . .stop crying about one place and buy where you want . This is a poor unhelpful article.

  3. 3

    I agree with most of this, but I don’t think she has ever tasted the tuna. It is so much better than the best brands I’ve ever bought elsewhere. It’s worth every penny and keeps perfectly until used up, probably many times longer.

  4. hmmm… been shopping and costco and find these are definitely not hard and fast rules; soda and junk food I see to be healthy but that is in general; books can be a good deal for those items they do have though limited; canned goods can use especially some of the kirkland brand; coffee, they do sell whole bean and the coffee is repackaged labeled and made by starbucks, bakery items; depends; I freeze the muffins which I love and eat them by thawing and planning ahead and find them delicious; have found great pieces of furniture which are much better than the limited selection available in my locale; so for me don’t really follow any of these rules; but this again is just one person’s opinion on the post as is the same for me


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