Cut These 11 Unnecessary Expenses and Save Money During the Coronavirus Crisis

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Social distancing and self-isolation have forced us to cancel or postpone whatever celebratory events we had planned. Since you no longer have to attend weddings or birthday parties for a while, consider using the money you would have spent on gifts for family and friends for essential things or savings. “[There are] no bridal showers or birthday parties to attend to for now — you can bring gifts later to rescheduled events,” Rebell said.

Seasonal Memberships

“Review your credit card statements from the last three months and identify any recurring expenses you have that you no longer need,” Rebell said. “Do you have season tickets to events, such as sporting events or theater performances? Don’t assume the auto-billing will stop just because there’s been an event cancellation. Some expenses may be billed quarterly, which is why reviewing three months’ worth of credit card statements is a good idea.”

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