10 Secrets Dollar Stores Don’t Want You to Find Out

Name-brand products aren’t necessarily a better choice

Dollar stores also sell brand products. But guess what? These come in smaller sizes as well, so it’s really not worth buying them from dollar store. Not when you can find the same brand products on discount at other stores.

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5 thoughts on “10 Secrets Dollar Stores Don’t Want You to Find Out”

  1. Cynthia Panepinto-Tinkham

    I like Dollar Tree where EVERYTHING is $1. Some things are great buys,as others can be hardly worth a filler. You have to be a smart shopper. Well worth going there.

  2. Some times it’s not the cost of what you are buying, it’s the aggravation you have to put up with from the store management. IE You park your vehicle at the North end of the building, at a certain time, they lock the doors at the south end of the building, then guess what? the only check out counter that is open, you guessed it the one on the south end of the building, Now your done shopping in the food dept, which is at the North end of the building, you have to travel all the way to the South end of the building to check out, after you are checked out now you have to travel back to the North end of the building to get to where you parked your vehicle!! This is Walmart management way of thinking.


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