This year marked the 60th anniversary of the death of Marilyn Monroe, America’s sex symbol was found dead after an apparent overdose in her home. She died on August 4, 1962. There is no surprise that her death shocked the entire world, mostly because just three months before that, she had given one of her best and most famous performances of all time: she shimmied onto the Madison Square Garden stage, removed her opulent fur coat to reveal a skin-tight, shiny dress covered in diamonds, and took the stage to sing “Happy Birthday” to the president, John F. Kennedy, who turned 45 years old later that month. The public already gossips about the fact that she had a secret love affair with Mr. Kennedy; that’s why many suspect that her death was somehow related to this event. What do you think about this? Did she really commit suicide, or was she murdered? Tell us in the comments!
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58 thoughts on “6 Chilling Photos of Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy Before Death”
She and John were killed because they knew about life beyond earth
This was classified info at the time and was top secret
That’s all
Thats not John f Kennedy that’s Peter lawford.
Yes it is. I believed that Lawford introduced his brother-in-law to Marilyn at a Las Vegas party.
Yep, that’s Lawford, not Kennedy.
Suicide is more plausible. There is no evidence (at least publically) to the contrary.
I have the evidence, however it’s been suppressed. HER LIPPS WERE SEALED UNTIL NOW Amazon
There is still no.hard physical historic evidence that JFK and MM wrre intimate. Ditto for all the other women who have alleged in book.length manuscrpts that they were intimate with the President. It’s all verbal hearsay. When a publisher dangles a $50k plus advance for a book, your memory can get pretty creative. JFK suffered severe back imjuries from his WW II combat; it was probably all he could do to bring Caroline and Johnjohn into the world. As a result of these injuries he had to wear a heavy back brace for most of his life.
Hillary was only 14 years old.
That is not JFK Peter Lawford actor you dummy ok
Lawford was JFK’s brother in law They both were banging her
I, personally, think she was dead from other cause or causes than suicide. Play with FIRE- you’ll get burned. Ruling Elite don’t ‘like’ folks knowing the truth ~ to be walking around!
I think Jackie had Marilyn killed.
agree but i believe the cia also
The guy in this pic is not JFK its Peter Lawford.
No one blames him,. Love Marilyn
Duh, of course she was. Dems are filthy people, wake up!
You are confused. It is Republicans who are filthy creeps.
My thoughts always were and still are, believe that the Kennedy’s and Peter Lawson were involved in Marilyn’s death. I never believed she committed suicide especially after the evidence of an enema of dissolved drugs were administered. There weren’t a bunch of drugs found in her system or stomach. And what exactly was the injection the Dr gave her in the “heart”? Was it really to start the heart or was it suxacolene (not sure of the spelling), to immobilize her for the fatal enema? Marilyn knew too much and too many of the so called “select people” and they were scared of her. This is my opinion and I have and always will stand by it.
Yes they murdered my love Mm they did her so dirty put that damn fatal enima in her behind and then stabbed her ❤️to stabilize her when I heard that they did this to her I cried so hard imagine this happening to her had me very sad and pissed 😡 tf off Rest In eternal peace my love Mm🫶🏿❤️🫶🏿❤️
Please don’t cry over this. There is no evidence at all for the alternate theories, so just don’t waste your tears, don’t believe everything you hear or read.
They made her go away ! They could do this to any one of us . If they feel you are a threat, you will disappear… And they are the masters of covering up their “FILTH”
look at Kennedy’s Crooked ass drunk Brother ! Killed that poor girl in that automobile accident. “”THEY GET TO JUST WALK AWAY FROM IT ” Different set of rules for the “ELITE ” We all know now how our FBI truly works.
Marilyn Monroe was murdered and it was orchestrated and probably done by Robert Kennedy. I met one of the ambulance drivers in the mid 70’s and he said if you tell anyone they won’t beleive you and everything he told me has eventually come out.She was going to have a press conference next day ezposing the whole affair . NoNoNo said the Kenndy’s it was also encouraged by J Edgar Hoover who thought that she was a security risk. The reason that no one could find the injection is that it was injected inside her buttocks where the didn’t look.
That’s fantasy
Jfk was human and he had his faults and family problems, starting with his father the boot leggier. Start there.
if he didn’t nail her shame on him.
I firmly believe that she was murdered, why, because was pregnant with JFK’s baby! She once told a very close friend that she had everything a woman wanted except one thing, she always wanted to be a mommy, and what better father to her baby than the President of the US. Man would that ever create one hell of a mess in the news it would create a domino effect with the Kennedy’s clan. I think Joe Kennedy, the father had her murdered as he was one ruthless S.O.B. and all of his dreams of the Kennedy domination in politics were about to go down the drain.
That is ridiculous.
she was murdered by some government affiliated agency.
I heard CIA.
Of course President Kennedy and Marilyn were murdered by the mob, and also by the deep state,, the FBI, the CIA and other government agencies. So was Robert Kennedy. I think that Marilyn Monroe might have been his lover, but that does not diminish my admiration of John and Robert Kennedy. I hope that Robert Kennedy Jr. wins the presidency of the United States and drains the swamp. If a republican were to win the presidency I hope it is Ron de Santis, Governor of Florida.
U must not live in Florida or u would know the damage governor has done here
She was murdered.
According to my readings, no drugs were in her stomach which means an enema was used.
Yes. She was murdered by the secret society who got angry with the president because that puppet president refused to be controlled and was exposing them thru his speeches. He was about to fully exposed the secret evils that pulls the strings. And to mocked and hurt and threat the president? They showed him how evil these demons can become. And JFK was killed and his family too. They better shut up that’s their message. And until now these secret society that is really not a secret society anymore is still pulling the strings and giving orders to our puppet presidents. Do you know who they are? If not… Hey wake up!!! And smell vaccines for starter. Research the 13 family bloodlines of banking families that controls this monetary system.
First of al that is Peter Lawford in the picture. Lawford was an actor an brother in law of Kennedy. Mr Lawford was
Also a member of the “Rat Pack”. also members, Sammy Davis jr,Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Joey Louis. All were closefriends of Miss Monroe.
It’s Joey Bishop, not Lawrence.
She was murdered……….no drugs in her stomach but in her blood. Figure that one out. She had a mysterious black book regarding both Kennedy brothers ( John & Robert) with alot of pillow talk recorded in it. She dies, diary is never found or made public, John is killed & Warren Report is still a sham . The 60’s had alot of crazy things happen that have not happened in the decades since. I was living then & saw these things unfold & I still don’t believe alot that history has written. No way.
She was murdered
She was murdered by the same unelected branch of government known by three letters.
I think she was murdered bec she wants mr. Kennedy to marry her otherwise she will call a press conference to expose their affair.
Marilyn Monroe was murdered . I was lucky enough to get to speak with one of the Ambulance drivers who picked her up she was alive when they got there. This was in the 1970’s before of these things were known. hoover practically ordered it up and Kennedy’s people took care of it You do the math.
Marilyn was murdered
I do believe she was murdered. Robert Kennedy was behind her murder. Peter Lawford took this to his grave.
Yes she had an affairs with the Kennedy’s. Like John and Bobby was the last to see her alive . besides the maid finding her that morning, she was given a stool softener pill in her rectum which was filled with drugs. That’s how she died period!!!!!
She died on August 4, 1962. (I was in the 7th Grade and remember the News on this) There is no surprise that her death shocked the entire world, mostly because just three months before that, she had given one of her best and most famous performances of all time: she shimmied onto the Madison Square Garden stage, removed her opulent fur coat to reveal a skin-tight, shiny dress covered in diamonds, and took the stage to sing “Happy Birthday” to the president, John F. Kennedy, who turned 45 years old later that month. The public already gossips about the fact that she had a secret love affair with Mr. Kennedy; that’s why many suspect that her death was somehow related to this event. What do you think about this? Did she really commit suicide, or was she murdered? Tell us in the comments! Before I READ this and got to the end of the article!!! I SAID TO MYSELF….SHE (MARILYN MONROE ) WAS MUREDERED! Oh My God!! SHE WAS MURDERED. John F, Kennedy Wife (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis) along with CIA Agents had her killed!!! The Story of Drug overdose was an cover-up Story.
The public already gossips about the fact that she had a secret love affair with Mr. Kennedy; that’s why many suspect that her death was somehow related to this event. What do you think about this? Did she really commit suicide, or was she murdered? Tell us in the comments! Before I READ this and got to the end of the article!!! I SAID TO MYSELF….SHE (MARILYN MONROE ) WAS MUREDERED! Oh My God!! SHE WAS MURDERED. John F, Kennedy Wife (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis) along with CIA Agents had her killed!!! The Story of Drug overdose was an cover-up Story.
They said she was losing it due to drugs or whatever and she had to be taken down. She was a beautiful woman cut down in the prime of her life. If she would have lived she would have aged like the rest of us or had all kinds of plastic surgery and turned into a freak like the rest of them.
Let’s see, Bobby Kennedy was at her place the night before she died… her housekeeper who lived in was never questioned about “the suicide”. Supposedly, Marilyn was going to go public on the affair with John Kennedy. The Kennedys did not want the affair known… How do you think she died?? Accident? I don’t think so.
I always believed she was murdered. She was a lot smarter than she portrayed
Marilyn Monroe was an unstable individual as a result of over-indulgence of drugs. Her behavior on set was legendary; she was always late and often canceled her appearance. Except for her incredible star power, she probably would have been blackballed by the industry. Her death, I believe, is just a continuation of her erratic behavior, an accidental overdose of drugs.
Concerning her affair with JFK is probably more fiction than fact. Although JFK was a known womanizer, his health issues probably prevented him from being an active lecher.
Mary was a problem but that was more of a Bobbie Kennedy thing. Mafia head I knew.
Definitely murdered.
She was threatening to discuss the Bay of Pigs
The Kennedy’s were a ruthless bunch.
Took hours for police to be contacted after Marilyn’s death
Everybody knows who specializes in “probable suicide” and “probable lone gunmen”. Common sense says that who killed both the Kennedys probably killed her too and it was all the Kennedys fault! In fact, I’d more sympathy for her than JFK and RFK put together. For unlike poor Marilyn, the Kennedys came from privileged backgrounds, were experienced Harvard educated politicians and seasoned public servants. So they should have known better than to get help from the Mafia.
As everyone knows, the Mafia help put JFK in the White House. Likewise, Virginia Hill went out the same way as Marilyn and like the Kennedys it was her fault too! She was “Queen of the Mob” and should have known enough to simply leave all that behind and quietly live out the remainder of her days abroad. But at least in her case the Austrian police had enough sense to officially note that her “suicide” was suspicious because her body and empty barbiturate containers along side her neatly folded winter coat containing a suicide note stating “Can’t go on anymore in life like this” all that jazz, all this was found outside on a hill covered in snow!
It was the Kennedys’ greedy ambition that brought all this misfortune to them! Marilyn’s only mistake was not listening to what her close friends were warning her about, something that a 30+ year old should know enough to do. (These guys DON?T play so one of them told her.) So why didn’t she listen to them? Because displaying her wonderful persona, beauty and sensuality before the world gave others such notable pleasure that it help give her at least some relief from her own unhappiness (Marilyn Monroe was a very unhappy woman) and sadly she understandably took this too far and paid a terrible and undeserved price for it.
There was allegedly a purple, poisonous substance found in Marilyn Monroe’s intestines during her autopsy. Some say it was squirted up into her (through her anus) while she was drunk/unconscious, to murder her. She did have “some political enemies;” who might have done such a thing. Her alleged affair with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy could possibly be connected.
Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide and neither was her death caused by overdose. The weed dumped into her mouth making it appear as though she did. Rather, it was the suppository found in her rectum with poison on that took her life.