5 Reasons Why the Democrats Chose Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris vs. Trump
Image by Everett Collection from Shutterstock

3. Black voters are crucial

Kamala Harris chose the song for her campaign. “Freedom” by Beyonce is a popular song from the album “Lemonade” and by choosing it to represent her presidential campaign, Kamala made a successful strategic move. “Freedom” is more than music, it’s a powerful affirmation. Like Beyonce and other strong black women from the United States, Kamala Harris has gone through a lot. Being a strong and also a black woman in politics isn’t easy. Harris made history when she became the first Black and female vice president in U.S. history, and she is not done yet! She is about to be a fierce candidate against Donald Trump. And who knows? She might win the 2024 elections.

Choosing Beyonce’s song wasn’t an accident, the lyrics were carefully chosen:

“I break chains all by myself
Won’t let my freedom rot in hell
Hey! I’ma keep running
‘Cause a winner don’t quit on themselves”

Black voters are crucial in such an important election and have been one of the most loyal coalitions for the Democratic Party over the years.

After Biden exited the race and Kamala Harris received amazing recognition as a political figure, more than 40,000 black women joined a meeting organized by a group called #WinWithBlackWomen and raised around $1.5 million for the Harris campaign.

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7 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why the Democrats Chose Kamala Harris”

  1. Oluwafiropo Ibitoye

    Americans deserve the best. We need a president who will do us proud both at home and abroad, put the interests of the country and its citizens first before his/her own interests. A president who will obey the rule of law and not think he/she is above the law. In my opinion, I believe Kamala Harris has those qualities.

    1. 22

      Kamala will be a great president! Trump lacks of moral and the minimal decency. He is the typical fraudelent non taxes payer. Cheats every one, evenn her wive.

  2. 22

    yes, she’s smart, educated appears to love the United Sates of America and will not sell us the people out for riches. Have stood firmly by the President and knows just what is happing in all aspects. she will not embarrass the U.S because Donald Trump did just that, but my grandmother used to say, ” Stupid is what stupe does” and he is not a role model for our children of these United States, role model only for his family. So, I can’t Waite to reefer to her as Madam President !

  3. 61

    Of course she can handle the presidency. Al she has to do is follow in Joe Biden’s footsteps and do whatever the insiders tell her to do and say.

  4. 111

    I think she would be a horrible leader of our country. She will continue her socialist agenda. If you want socialism vote for her! #Trump2024


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