5 Things You Should Never Google

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

4. Mouth larva

Unfortunately, you can’t go back in time, so if you see something that you really didn’t like, you’re most likely to remember it for a long period of time. I won’t give that much details, but don’t search this, especially if you don’t want to see worms in somebody’s mouth.

5. Weird ingredients used in food

This will make you lose your appetite! If you want to know everything that you’re putting into your body, then looking at certain types of videos, where you can see all the ingredients used to prepare food can make you more aware. But, it will also make you feel like you won’t ever want to eat that food in your life!
So, be careful if you are curious about this! If you enjoy eating and you don’t care about what you’re consuming, then it’s better not to search weird ingredients that are used in foods. Also, you can search the way that foods are prepared, but like I said, you might delete some foods from your list of favorites!


We can say that the invention of the Internet really changed our lives, because now we have unlimited knowledge about any topic that can exist! Although it might be tempting to search weird things on Google, keep in mind that once you see something that you hate, you can’t go back in time and change it! In other words you can’t UNSEE it!

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