These 9 Things Might Make You Hate Florida

Photo by Kristi Blokhin From Shutterstock

1. Crowded with tourists throughout the entire year

OMGG! When I first saw pictures of Florida on the internet, I said to myself, “This is the place I want to live when I retire.” Everything looks nice in pictures, but the reality may differ a bit. In this case, a lot.

Because of these breathtaking surroundings, Florida has a lot of tourists throughout the year. Almost every season is full here because the climate is very warm, even during the winter.

People even come here to spend a weekend relaxing under the sun. That’s why the roads are always busy. And of course, there are a lot of nice places to visit in Florida! Don’t hesitate to come here at least once. But moving here? Nah!

Have you ever been here? What was your first impression?

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63 thoughts on “These 9 Things Might Make You Hate Florida”

  1. 10

    I agree completely with your comments about Florida, bugs, heat, hurricanes. We do have a condo in Florida, but spend only Jan thru early Mar there. We are considering more of Dec there. Our condo is on the Atlantic, but in the most Northerly location we could find in FL. Otherwise we much prefer Wisconsin where we worked and lived 40 years or Rocky Mountains where we grew up.

  2. 15

    I think your comments about Florida could apply to almost any state. There isn’t a state that I can think of that could not come up with 9 things to keep you from moving to that state. Where do you live. If you life in the NW part of the US I certainly could come up with more that 9 things to say bad about moving there.

    1. 10

      I moved from Illinois to Florida to South Dakota HATED Florida I love south dakota, have nothin bad to say about SD but Florida too hot, humid, bugs, crowds, traffic, exspensive, cost of living is high, housing is high, very little employment, SD is beautiful, cost efficient , housing is very affordable, jobs everywhere,

  3. 16

    Love Florida !!! Everything you stated here can be most southern and some Northern states…..except for the alligators. But TAX FREE really makes up for it!!! Hurricanes and high heat happen up North..but at least in FL we are prepared for it…..NY is a mess is the summer with blackouts and temp restrictions on you cooling systems……SO yes, I LOVE FLORIDA!!

  4. 9

    All these things are true and more. After retiring there 22 years ago, I am leaving. The traffic is horrible. Restaurants are packed. Medical treatment is sketchy – depending on what part of Florida you live in.

  5. Joanne M DeSanto

    All the things that you have listed are so very, very true. I live in Florida sine 2004 and the heat is unbearab;e every day. The hurracains are what really scare me and I hate the thought of that time of the year. The bugs, snakes, alligators, racoons, the green creapy crawling things called eguanas are disguisting and look like prehistoric times and look like dinasours. They are all over the place and I hate to look at them. The crowded roads are terrible and it takes hours just to run a few errands. The cost of like is not cheap and they get you on lots of things so being a state with no tax does not really help anybody. I know there are more things that I don’t like but can’t think of them right now so I will end here. Think twice before moving here.

  6. 8

    There are over a million alligators in the state. They are in every pond, lake, canal, and sometimes in the surf.
    They are aggressive, fast and won’t hesitate to come out of the water. and attack. Many deaths and serious injuries have been caused by these creatures. Not uncommon to find them in gardens and shopping malls.
    In the winter the great whites migrate from New England to Palm Beach…..At least 250 at last count.

  7. 3

    Our Son moved to Port Charlotte so we decided to drive down and visit. We could not go anywhere without fighting huge crowds. Traffic was horrible and you had to wait in line for anything you wanted to do. Seashell hunting on one of the many islands, good luck. Hundreds of parking spaces and no place to park. State park, they were parked in the street waiting for someone to drive out so they could drive in. No thanks, never again. Our son is selling his boat because if he can find a place to launch it he can’t find a place to park.

  8. 26


  9. 16

    Living in the freest state, with the Greatest Governor, and the Greatest President. That would be my choice over all the other states. Compare Florida to other states, especially communist california.

  10. 10

    At the urging of my cousin who lived in W. Palm Beach some time ago my mom and I moved from Colorado to Florida with our cat. Big mistake in more than 9 ways. It was terribly hard for a Colorado cat to cope with the fleas (we had none back home.) And, of course, the ‘palmetto bugs’, Floridian term for cockroach. Weather hot and oh, my the humidity not felt in Colorado. Even my lovely cousin couldn’t keep us in the sunshine state. By the way, Colorado Springs has more than 300 days of sunshine and very amenable dryness.
    We managed 10 months but Colorado’s mountains had a true siren song for us.

  11. 8

    Houses near the shore have dropped, due to global warming??? What shore are prices going down? Waterfront house have increased in value more than non waterfront! If global warming is so bad, why are banks still loaning on waterfront property.

  12. 16

    Moved to Jacksonville Florida 10 months ago and I must admit it’s not perfect, but nowhere is Perfect ! Very Little Taurus in the Jacksonville area, closest is St Augustine 40 mi to the south ! It’s not Hot all year in this area , from December to March temperatures can average fro the 30’s to the low 70’s . The summers are humid and rainy but it is bearable and the Hurricanes aren’t as numerous as south or west Florida ! It’s much better than freezing my buns in 10 degrees and Snow in New Jersey ! Thank you very much but I’m very Satisfied here, my only regrets are that I didn’t move here 20 years ago !

  13. 19

    My in-laws were ‘snowbirds’ that spent their winters in a rented condo (at Villa Vista) on cocoa beach. The wife and I would visit them in winter for ten days to two weeks. Nothing quite like getting on a plane in Syracuse NY during a frigid snow storm and getting off in 80F and SUNSHINE. We spent most days on the beach and then the pool and the biggest decision was where we might go for dinner. We went to WDW about a dozen times over the years… I miss those days.

  14. 13

    I lived in Florida for @ 60 years-from birth to retirement, & finally was able to leave to live in the North Carolina mountains. All the negatives listed in the article are absolutely correct & that is why I left. Never intend to return-even for a visit. The incessant heat & humidity, as well as the crowds, are miserable. Think twice before moving there.
    Maybe a long summer vacation in any part of the state would be a better choice & allow you to reconsider your plans after the experience there.

  15. 13

    I still like Florida. Been there before, and yes it is humid but I had live in the tropics and worked in the Middle East. Considering some of my good friends are there, yes I am considering to move to Florida sometime.
    And Titusville is the place. . .haven’t heard of hurricane there. But thank you the input, though. worth reading!

  16. 16

    Every place has its pluses and minuses. I’ve been in Florida going on 5 years and though it’s a little warmer than usual this year, I lived in Oklahoma in 1980 when it reached 100 on or around 5/31 and stayed that way for 90 days!
    I’ll take the warmer winters – better than 0 or 15 – and a lot more sunshine than most places. We love it here – so, please, by all means stay where you are!!

  17. 15

    All the cons are well known to the people of Florida and …. all of them are temporary and Hurricanes
    are not a daily occurrence ! This year so far : NOTHING and the weather is FANTASTIC !
    I am a New Yorker who spend a lot of time in Florida ! Florida = a bit of Paradise !

  18. 10

    After living here for 30 plus years I regret ever moving from Massachusetts! It is not the paradise it used to be. The housing market is a nightmare, people drive like maniacs and after a few hurricanes and more people moving in its becoming a dump!

  19. 12

    I lived in sarasota FL for over 15 years! It was wonderful and I would move back in a New York minute. I left because my sister was dying and she was in Wisconsin. ( NOW THAT STATE BLOWS) I wasn’t able to return for financial reasons. I miss Sarasota so much i cry! This is a different world now. No one can help as the cost of living is just out of this world.
    I respect your opinion however I don’t feel as you do.
    Gators got yeh granny!! Lol
    As ever and remember ” opinions are like ass ….and everyone has one” Clint Easteood
    Be safe and stay happy

  20. Its the same way in Las Vegas. The auto dealers put sights on your hood for a better aim. Pedestrians are allowed to walk around with drinks in their hands and that includes the side walks and streets. They do however have bridges going over the main drag in Vegas .

  21. 3

    Hmmmm ? Thought of moving there & be a snowbird as own in country, N.Y., neighbors far enough away for each & all to mind own business & enjoy your life. I would like to find a small place “out of the way” in FL. / I don’t like people up my #$$ and like my privacy. seems like most place-like sardines down there or underdevelopment to become the next can > of sardines // word also is folks go there to die?? If i am going to move somewhere it’s going to be where i can enjoy life, hell that’s why we were given it/ not worry about next blow over & no one up my #$$esp, some nosey one who has nothing better to do with their time then to be in my business , that would not go over well > I believe in GOOD FENCE’S MAKE GREAT NEIGHBORS!

  22. 8

    I grew up in a small suburb of Peoria, Illinois. As a young child I loved the snow. As an adult, I hated every winter I had to get out and drive in it (which is basically every day!). My folks took my brother, & I on a 2 week vacation every summer to Daytona Beach, Florida. As I aged, I knew that I would one day live in Florida so I could escape all the cold Illinois offered. That dream came true when I moved to Ormond Beach, FL in 2004. I found a job in my profession (Pharmacy Technician), met a wonderful guy who ran his own business (Mobile Computer Tech) & we married in 2006 in a beachside ceremony. I am living my dream!!
    You are probably thinking.. so you gave up snow & tornados for hurricanes? We ended up buying a home in Silver Springs, FL (Home of the famous Glass Bottom Boats!) Being in the central part of the state, we feel a bit safer than living coastal. Plus being central in the state, its only an hour & a half driveto be at either coast!

  23. 4

    The state of Florida will all be under water shortly. Like in the next 5 years. But most of California and the east coast also. Inland, Colorado is nice. Galveston, Houston, and New Orleans gone.

  24. 7

    Hello there!

    Thankfully, I am not FROM Florida. I am temporarily stuck IN Florida!! As you’ve pointed out much later in this well-made list: The environment in FL is pretty basic. And I don’t like it at all. I want outta here, already! The only reason I am even down here to begin with is because my Mom brought us, WAAAY back in 2003.

    Yeah, this is right…Florida is my Mom’s ALL-TIME favorite U.S. state. Sadly, it’s not mine. In fact, I fear the stress of me feeling trapped in what I call “the trops” is killing me…Slowly. Am I sunk as a boat in a hurricane if I’m not able to escape away from the trops and up North to a place with 4 seasons and less bugs?

  25. 7

    Florida is not hot in the winter time, it is delightful in many parts of the state. Away from the coast, the sky is clear, and the nights are very cool. Sometimes it’s so cool, there is frost! As far south as Gainsville. And further, cold fronts often make to Miami, even the keys.

    The roads are not crowded in the summer (inland), there are more blue hairs in the winter. NOT good drivers either.

  26. 15

    I am a Florida native. Yes, it is very hot. Yes, we do have terrible hurricanes. yes, we have bugs. Yes, in South Florida it is over populated. Yes, down there in Central & South Florida there are whole lot of tourist. And Yes down there it is too expensive. Global Warming is not a concern, because that is total propaganda.

    But I live in North Florida. And like California (so I am told) that really Is a beautiful place. There are vast strechs of Forest here.., and you can still see old Floria as it was before the yankees came to ruin it. You alo didn’t mention about how acros teh state tyhere are so many beautiful parks, beaches and marsh areas. We have amazing wildlife, birds that are stunning and the Florida Alligator- a predator in swamps- but still a magnificent beast. I LOVE FLORIDA. I sould not and would not live anywhere else. But you are right.. if the above factors bother you.. then Don’t move here. We don’t want more belly aching Yankees down here anyway.

  27. 8

    Born & raised in Miami 90 years ago, I spent most of my life in Florida — but I’m so glad we moved to western NC. We only miss Florida in January and February now, that’s the only time it’s truly livable there.

  28. 11

    Brought to you by The States of New York and Illinois in a feeble attempt to reign in the mass exodus of long term residents leaving to Florida. If you want residence to stay, then punish corruption and end the hyper insane policies.

  29. 13

    I moved to central Florida eighteen years ago from snowy Syracuse and have no regrets. I own my home and find it much cheaper than up north. Despite running my air conditioner continuously my energy bills are much cheaper than up north besides it does get cooler in the winter months. If anyone takes your article seriously and decides not to retire in Florida they are foolish. It is not the hellhole you describe in your article. The retirement community I live in , Stonecrest is the best place I have ever lived with the friendliest and kindest neighbors I have ever lived with. Don’t let this silly article cause you to visit Florida and enjoy it’s many pleasures. It is a very large state with lots to see.

  30. 8

    Lived in Michigan and now go between Arizona and Florida. Arizona is no picnic either. Extremely hot and humid during monsoon season. Plus have scorpions and snakes to worry about. I am 75 and mountains don’t give me much entertainment. Not going to do mountain climbing. Michigan was gray, cold and snowy. Very short summers. Each state has pros and cons. We love Florida – traffic and all.

  31. 5

    I grew up in Florida. It was a nice place to live until Disney came! Wages were kept low because of the mouse Then many people, including governors cared more about tourist than life long residents . Housing cost have skyrocketed. Traffic in most areas is terrible. I-4 is a joke.there needs to be more free access & parking for beaches. Growing up we were told they’d NEVER let them build in the rest of the state what they did in Miami That’s a laugh they’ve done exactly that. Yes there are some areas that aren’t overcrowded but every month more areas are overbuilt. My heart aches for the Florida I grew up in. Don’t move to Florida to get out of the snow. Yes there are a lot of bugs, snakes,alligators & other critters in FL.

  32. 3

    While in the navy for four years, from ’54 to ’58 I spent most of that time on an LSM (landing ship medium) operating out of Biscayne Bay in Miami Fla. and when we were in port I had to take my turn standing watch outside. My biggest complaint was being attacked by mosquitos during what I call the mosquito season. Other than that, I enjoyed the climate without hurricanes.

  33. 9

    Thank you for discouraging people to come to Florida. I have lived in FL since 1958(I was 7 months old). I absolutely love where I live. The Space Coast. It gets hot but we have our freezing days. Too many cold days is not good for the orange trees so okay with us. I can visit the mountains anytime (and I have) but I like running to my mailbox barefoot in the winter. Can’t do that in the northern states. So to avoid more overcrowding we’re okay with you just visiting. In fact we love having you visit. So enjoy your stay.

  34. 5

    I’m still leaving for FL> on Dec.19 & coming home May 11th. Nothing could make me spend another winter in RI.
    There are no hurricanes in the winter!

    1. Your lifestyle is the best way to live in Florida. Only be here in the winter. Been here 37 years and am moving out as way too hot for half of the year basically have to stay inside as people in the north do in the winter, storms are getting worse, bugs and now pythons are horrible
      and do not even talk about the traffic and rude people.

  35. 9

    Didn’t think I could handle Florida, but loving it. Getting away up north for some time in summer makes it so much better, and we have the best governor ever!

  36. 4

    Ah, Florida

    !st. There is DeSantis!
    2nd. The humidity. Know that whatever you save on heating costs you will spend on cooling
    3rd. It is too hot to be a pedestrian. Get an e-bike. Everyone’s doing it.
    4th.Forget all the rest of the negatives if you don’t want to spend eight months a year in cold, grey, rainy, sleet-y, slushy depressing weather.

  37. 5

    Well as someone who has lived in Florida since 1983, and consider myself a Floridian. This state has changed for the worse as far as pricing goes for housing I bought my first house for $54,000 a 2 bedroom 1-1/2 bath on a double lot, and that same property now is easily 150-180 K for one lot and don’t forget about homeowners insurance I consider it extortion. to your point about the roads yes they can be congested especially here in Pinellas county we are a very dense county but other counties have larger areas of low populated areas especially away from the beach where you might find more affordable homes. Hurricanes are not to be feared only respected and prepared for as for the heat and humidity you get used to it and we do have these things called air conditioners and you can design a breezeway around your home to make it cooler. But the real reason not to move here is we simply don’t want you here we are tired of the bullshit about how you did things up north or wee ever and you stupid sports teams if everything is better where you came from go the fuck home.

    Jeff Brown
    Saint Pete

  38. I live in Florida. Homeowner’s insurance is very expensive. My daughter lives on a canal and is thinking of moving because her dock has flooded twice and her roof has been damaged by hurricanes. Her neighbor got his back yard and swimming pool flooded with seawater. I’ve found two scorpions in my bedroom and my neighbor found a rattlesnake. The only thing I hate worse than floods, bugs, and snakes is snow!

    1. 12

      Then move back to your liberal leftist communist state. Take your attitude and politics back and support the true criminal Joe Biden.

  39. 2

    I love Miami Beach!I have a great waterfront home in one of the nicest islands that I bought when they were given the houses away in the 1980’s.

    It is now worth 60 times what I paid for and I love it
    More than ever. No bridges to bay from my back yard!

    If you live on the water in Miami Beach it never gets that hot and besides other than the Southern
    Hemisphere during summer it is hot all over Europe and New York.

    Yes, one day a hurricane will destroy the house but I have enjoyed it for 35 years with minor damages.

    Traffic is getting bad so I am glad there are idiots out there that hate it and want to leave!

    I think Southern California and south east Florida are
    The only civilized places to live in the US.
    I think living with all that snow or terrible heat is not for me. I used to be in love with New York City during its studio 54 days but now that the communists have taken over NYC You can have it! Lol.

  40. 3

    I lived in Florida three different times and hated it each time. I especially do not like constantly perspiring and walking around in soggy clothes. Now that I am a senior citizen I have no desire to live there. Plus, even though I am 80 I do not want to be around old people all the time. They are not particularly interesting to me; and, No, I am not anti-social.
    From my point of view there are many more lovely areas to live in this magnificent country than in Florida.

  41. Lived in Florida for five years, and hated every minute of it. Between the heat and those little critters that would get in the house the minute you opened the door, I had enough. Everyone told me how wonderful the heat was, but I never saw anyone sit outside to enjoy that suffocating wonderful heat! I also got tired of preparing for the yearly hurricanes. Our first one was terrifying. Yes, Florida is good for some, and not so good for others. We all find our forever home. The only thing I miss about Florida is the sweet stray cat who would visit us each day.

  42. 2

    OK,baby here goes my scathing review:Florida has more churches than any other state and most people who
    are members are afraid of going to HELL!!!!Don’t look now but your already there!!!!!The average daytime temps
    in the southern part of the state certainly qualify for Hell levels!!!Noone here mentioned Flooding but it does
    happen when the Cell Storms show up and then your car is disabled electrically.Also,I’ve been On I-95 when
    the Rain fell so hard my windshield wipers could’t clear the windshield even on fast speed!Had to pull off the
    road.Oh and lastly don’t forget the Bermuda Triangle.It’s Very Real and people who sail or fly in do not return.
    Also,after living in five states these Florida drivers are the most dangerous and lame ever!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Here is the deal. Florida is expensive to live. No state tax is an illusion. You pay in other ways. Property taxes are high, of course not in comparison to NY. Home owners insurance if you can get it is very expensive. There seems to be no long term plan for all these people moving there. Infrastructure behind the times, can not handle the masses. Lacking teachers, doctors, nurses, fire and police people. Depending on where you live walkability may be fine. Newer communities are on top of it. Right now seems lawless. Calif has high taxes, earthquakes, droughts, mountains, vineyards, lots of traffic. Middle has tornadoes, droughts maybe not as much traffic. North has snow, high taxes, mountains, crowds in some areas. It is all about what YOU like and are willing to put up with. No matter where you, go if you decide to move, rent for a year. You will know what you want to do.


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