Hurricane Milton: Survival Tips From the Experts

Are You Ready for a Hurricane? Discover What Pros Have to Say About the Importance of Preparedness!

Just a few weeks after Helene made landfall and devastated a swath of the southeastern U.S., Hurricane Milton reshaped Florida. The bad news is that the Atlantic hurricane season is far from being over.

Hurricanes are among the most powerful and destructive natural disasters on the planet. These storms can bring devastating winds, torrential rains, and massive storm surges, destroying everything found on their way. As you already know, recently, the Milton Hurricane showed us how unprepared we were. Named after the small town it first impacted, the natural phenomenon made Americans understand the importance of preparedness.

Unfortunately, everything going on in the past few days, reminded us about the importance of being prepared and knowing how to act in case of a natural disaster. As you know, Milton brought unprecedented damage, leaving a lot of people from the affected zones without power and basic necessities for weeks. By having a look at everything that happened we can glean valuable lessons and know how to prepare for future hurricanes.

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The Milton Hurricane

The Milton natural disaster caused widespread destruction. In the past few days, we have seen flooding homes, uprooting trees, and even knocking out power lines. Even though for a lot of us it felt like a bad dream seeing all those viral images and videos for some Americans this is the reality they live in and the challenges they have to face in order to survive.

By analyzing how the community responded to the disaster, we can clearly observe both strengths and weaknesses. So, in case a new hurricane is coming, we should be more prepared, considering the privilege we hold of reading about all these catastrophic events and not experiencing them live. All we have to do is learn from their experiences and be better prepared in case of other unexpected situations.

How to prepare for a hurricane?

The most important thing in a lot of situations is to establish or have a plane. It’s the same in the case of a hurricane. A detailed plan is much needed and it should include, precious information, such as possible evacuation routes, checklists to prevent forgetting about important things, and a communication plan. Continue reading to find out all you need to know.

  • Know and prepare evacuation routes

Make sure you pay attention to weather forecasters constantly check the news, and consider advice from local emergency officials. Map your route for evacuation in advance and give yourself time. It won’t be as easy as you expect to escape. Don’t forget about the alternative routes in case the main one is blocked.

Chauncia Willis is an emergency manager in Tampa, Florida, and she says that everyone living in the affected areas should think about what they’ll do to survive starting from now and not wait to see the gray skies. She also says the emergency escape route should lead to friends or family homes, not public shelters. The situation there is not the best, considering that these are not a cruise ship but a place where people in need are hiding.

You should perfectly know the designated evacuation routes and have a plan.

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  • Use a checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything important

Regarding checklists, Willis says that a great resource for them is the American Red Cross. The emergency checklist can be easily downloaded and is a must-have for all the Americans living in the affected zones or nearby. Another great source for an efficient checklist is FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

  • Have a family communication plan

Consider that you might end up separated from your family members and you should have a plan about how you’ll find each other and communicate. Giving calls and letting your family members where you are is essential. They don’t have to be long calls in order to be valuable. Just checking that your loved ones are fine is more than enough in extreme situations.

Communication is also important in case you find a better escape way for example, or in case you want to inform your loved ones about a danger. There are all kinds of situations when communication is key. So, make sure you establish multiple plans and ways you could find each other.

How to Pack a Go Bag?

If you leave in one of the usually affected zones, you should have a bag prepared with all the essential items. When experts say “essentials” they refer to all the things you basically need to survive. On the Red Cross website can be found more information, but here is what your list should include, according to them:

  • Water: 1 gallon of water per person, per day (you should be prepared for at least 3 days)
  • Food: easy to prepare food (you should be prepared for at least 3 days)
  • First aid kit: can be easily found on Amazon
  • Medications: pros recommend 7 day supply
  • Copies of personal documents: even though this might seem an old method at first, the technology disappears in case of natural disasters. Having copies of your passports, proof of address, birth certificates, and insurance policies can literally save your life.
  • Family and emergency contact information

Of course, every family’s needs are different but there are a few tips we should pay attention to when we are thinking about ours.

How to Deal with Power Outages

Generators can be potential dangers which is why you should be very careful when you opt for backup power sources. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of them.

  • Know where are the nearest places you can ask for help: In case you lose power, you should know where you can go to warm up. Check how close you are to essential services like rapid transit or hospitals. In case of a major power outage, they will have priority access to it.
  • Stock up on water and nonperishable foods: If you want to be sure you’ll have food and water, in case of an emergency, make sure you keep nonperishable alternatives, such as canned beans, canned fruits and vegetables, potato chips, and pasta in your home.
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What to do when your home is flooded

As you saw recently, the biggest problem when we deal with a hurricane is not the wind, but the water.

  • Turn off the electricity: According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, you need to check if there are any damaged power or gas lines and cracks in the foundation, before going inside. If there is no water in the house, turn the electricity off. In case the hurricane was strong, FEMA says it’s possible to feel natural gas smell or propane. So, if you notice anything strange, you should immediately leave the house and contact the fire department.
  • Don’t go in the flooded water: Floodwater is very dangerous! According to Jennifer Horney, a professor at the University of Delaware, says that it’s best to wait for help or wait until the water recedes. She studies public -health impacts of disasters and has talked multiple times about the dangers of flooded water. Inside it is ofter debris, sewage, and toxic chemicals, having a big chance of electrocuting you.
  • Take photos: Take a lot of photos of the inside and outside of your home because, this way, you can demonstrate how high the water got. With a little luck, you can get help from federal assistance.

What to do if there is a flash flood warning while you’re driving

  • Pay attention to public safety announcements: Stay off the road if officials are saying so. It’s not worth the risk, considering that floods kill more Americans than any other weather hazard.
  • Turn around, don’t drown: Even if you see just a little bit of water, it represents a huge danger. Don’t risk it go through and avoid it as long as you can.
  • Keep a special tool inside your car: In case of an emergency situation, water can easily block you inside your car, making it feel impossible to open the doors and escape. So, it’s essential to have a tool that can break the glass. Remember to always aim for the corners of the windows, because that’s considered the weakest part.

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